Mindy Rawlinson
9-5 gig: Dance Artist Full Time
Cats or Dogs: 2 Cats (Royal & Terror)
Favorite Dance Style: Contemporary Ballet
Favorite Food: Chocolate Chip Cookies
Favorite Ice Cream: Mint Chocolate Chip
Travel Bucket List: New Zealand
Secret Talent: Baking
Coffee or Tea: Coffee (lots of espresso)
Proudest Moment: Working at Hollins University in the Dance Department

Melinda “Mindy” Rawlinson holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from The University of South Carolina and
a Master of Fine Arts in Dance from Hollins University. As a dance artist, Rawlinson’s research and
creative work revolves around topics such as Radical Ballet: finding transgressional spaces, Voyeurism
and the Ballerina, and the performance of sexuality. As a professional dancer, Rawlinson has performed
with the following companies: Carolina Ballet Theater, Wideman Davis Dance, and Ballet Florida. As a
dance educator, Rawlinson has served as an adjunct instructor at the University of South Carolina,
Visiting Assistant Professor and Assistant MFA Director at Hollins University and was the founding
director of the dance department at West Boca Raton Regional High School. Recently locating to
Maryland, Rawlinson is excited to join the Baltimore dance community.