Ten serious dance students aged 9-15 from two different schools will be featured in an experimental new work to be performed together by Ballet Theatre of Maryland and Full Circle Dance Company. The work, entitled Ground and Sky, will premiere at the Gordon Center for Performing Arts on February 2. Five of the young artists train at the Morton Street Dance Center and five at the Ballet Theatre of Maryland Conservatory. All of them devote many hours per week to developing their dance technique and artistry.
"We are so fortunate that our professional companies have affiliated schools, said Donna L. Jacobs, artistic director of both Full Circle Dance Company and Morton Street Dance Center. "And our students are fortunate to have opportunities to perform alongside professional dancers." Nicole Kelsch, artistic director of Ballet Theatre of Maryland added, "These young dancers are learning to collaborate across genres, to create together with artists of different ages and backgrounds, and to work with live music. Our young dancers love to perform, and their artistry makes a genuine contribution to the work we are making."

"The students are featured in a section of the work inspired by the colors of the dawn sky, the breaking of the new day, and hope for the future," said Full Circle associate artistic director Liz Pelton. "Their youth is part of the artistic message, and they convey it beautifully." Ground and Sky features original music created by violinist Melissa Hullman and performed live by Hullman and percussionist Christopher Payne, whose collaboration with the dancers will create a-one-of-a-kind performance.
For all of the artists involved, as well as for members of the audience, Ground and Sky will be a unique, immersive experience evoking the healing powers of both nature and collaborative creativity
Performance Details
Ground and Sky
Ballet Theatre of Maryland & Full Circle Dance Company
Sunday, Feb 02, 2025
4:00 pm
Gordon Center for Performing Arts
3506 Gwynnbrook Avenue
Owings Mills, MD 21117

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